Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cheap & Healthy

There seems to be a lot of discussions on my online mommy boards about cheap, easy and healthy meals for your family. I grew up without a lot of packaged foods. Both of my parents grew up fairly poor with moms who grew huge gardens. Making things from scratch was just how you did things back then. I believe that when you are disconnected from your food source, you eat poorly. Making your food from scratch (as much as possible) brings you back to a relationship with your food which equals eating healthier. Plus, it saves you tons of money. Which means you can buy the more expensive wine. ;)

I will be posting some of my family's favorite recipes and some meal plans along with budgets. No one in my house is dieting or has major allergies. I am a sahm with a full-time working husband. We have one 18 mo toddler who eats everything. 

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