Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A letter to my children...

A letter to my children (ages 8 weeks & 2 years):

Someday, you will be grown and I will be old. For now, I watch you while you sleep wondering what future you dream of. I will rub my nose against your furry bald head, stroke my hand against your chubby cheeks and take in your new person smell. I will cherish your many kisses and hold your hand as we walk together exploring the world. Your emerging smiles will make me grin. You will dance, sing nursery rhymes and make me giggle when you parrot my phrases. We will bake cookies, make messes, blow bubbles, and watch bugs. I will kiss your ouchies, wipe tears and hold you tight. Even when my back aches, I will carry you feeling your heart beating against mine. I will feed you from my breast while staring into your eyes contemplating their final color. We will read my favourite stories and watch them become your own. When you fall asleep in the truck, on the couch or even the floor, I will carry you in my arms to bed feeling your body melt into mine. Years from now, I won't remember the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, tantrums, or worries. I will be the old lady at the grocery store telling the new parents, tired and worn to the bone, to cherish every moment before it is gone and enjoy them while they are so small - when all they really want is 3 hours of consecutive sleep. There will be days for sport practise, first crushes, driving cars, weddings... For now, I will watch you while you sleep and try to soak it all in. Someday, when you are grown and I am old - this is what I will miss the most. 

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