Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cloth Diapering - The 'P' Word

Here's the skinny on the dreaded POOP. 

When considering cloth diapers, this always seems to be the thing that scares new parents most. I never understood it. Babies poop. They poop a lot. Juniper pooped with every feeding in the beginning - every 2 hours. You will get poop on your hands, clothes, sheets, furniture, floor... You will scrub poop from tiny onsies. That's being a parent. If you don't want to touch poop, don't get knocked up or get a dog. 

So, poop and cloth diapers. It is no worst than disposables. Actually, it is much better. We have had 2 'poop explosions' since switching to cloth full-time. I got blowouts at least once a week with disposables. You can scrub a tiny expensive outit, or you can dump cloth diapers in the wash without ever touching the dirty poop with your bare hands - which sounds smarter? 

With cloth, I take off the diaper and toss it into a diaper bin lined with a big wet bag. Come laundry day, I pull out the wet bag and dump everything into the wash. NO POOP TOUCHING! You don't need to get a diaper sprayer or use liners if your baby isn't eating solids. Exclusively breastfed babies have water soluble poop. Most formula poop is also water soluble. Once your kid starts eating solids, you can use a thin disposable liner or a diaper sprayer. We opt for the disposable liner. These are advertised as 'flushable' but I've put more than a few through the wash and they don't break down quickly. I hate a clogged toilet, so I toss in the trash.

And, that folks, is poop with cloth diapers.

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